Are you saying that success in a capitalist system is only defined by earning a lot of money? In February, Lebron James' front gate was defaced with a racial slur despite his financial success. In Jay-Z's case, despite the large proportion of Black people in the entertainment industry, they are not proportionately represented in leadership roles in the industry. In Beyonce's case, her name is supposed "Beyince", but her name was printed wrong on her birth certificate and officials refused to change it--telling her mother that she should be happy that her Black baby even got a birth certificate. The list goes on ... Meanwhile, white people who earn millions of dollars don't get racial slurs painted on their gates or have officials tell mothers to be happy that their white baby got a birth certificate, even if the baby's name is spelled wrong. It just doesn't happen. Meanwhile, as successful as some Black people are, they still get pulled over by the police for wearing a hoody, which would never happen to a white person. Yes, you can be Black in America, be as financially successful as Lebron James, but still be harassed by the police for no crime other than being Black--as I noted in my article. It happens every day in America. You don't have to be George Floyd to be murdered by the police in America. You just have to be Black.